It’s starting to come together

Well, it is starting to come together quilt well.  The strips have been connected to the stitchery and I’m just about to cut out the next boarders.  I didn’t think it was going to be this big but as you can see it is.  I took this picture on my queens size bed and the quilt is 39 inches long!!  Well now to cut out the quilt boarders….

Long time ago in Bethleham


Now to put it together….

Now the stitchery has been finished it is time to sew it all together.  As I cut the blocks out, I did notice that some of the blocks couldn’t be cut to the size suggested due to stitches being cut so I made the blocks bigger.  I choose to use the star like color fabric for the boarder.  I need to cut out the yellow boarder then the smaller blocks then the teal starburst.  So I cut the boarders – only to find that I forgot to have purchased one lot of material which is to be cream floral.  While I was sewing this together, I ran out of cotton – have to finish it tomorrow.  Oh well that means I have an excuse to buy some more cotton and perhaps some fabric…

Ten down – two more to go

Finally finished, block ten is completed.  You know when doing all those sheep I kept falling asleep.  I am now 1 block behind and the next when is out tomorrow and will also tell me how to complete it.  At least I have all the fabric to complete this quilt.  Oh well I have better get catching up with those UFOs….

Long time ago in Bethleham

Ok I need to learn to count

Well I am a bit behind with this project – Michelle at The Christmas Beetle, has basically finished hers.  It turns out that when I looked at the quilt it was block 7 when it should have been block 5.  I like the house and how the vines climb up the wall.  Well, not to do number 5 which I have just got set up and have to cut out the applique pieces.

Christmas in Italy


It’s beginning to feel like Christmas

Countdown to ChristmasThis was my first real quilt and I have finished it, but I have decided to get it quilted later as you can guess I need it for the countdown.   I brought this from The Christmas Beetle and you can find it there – its called Moda 25 Days Christmas Kit.  The fabric is from Moda Sweetwater and it is the range from Countdown to Christmas.  There are a few mistakes but I am improving.  So lets start count downing to Christmas.  Now where are the other Christmas quilts I have to finish…..