Need to find more time….

With being busy at work and trying to do some quilting and all the other things that come along with a busy lifestyle, I have been a very neglectful of my blog of late. During this time, I have attempted to finished a number of quilt tops, which I was informed by someone (perhaps a family member), that had to be finished before starting any more quilts. So I finished about two and have almost finished another two tops. This only means that I can start work on a new quilt.


Last year, I had attended a workshop at WhateverWhereever, where I started on a quilt called Jugs and Broken Dishes. As I am so desperate to start another quilt, I set to work finishing the top of this quilt.  As with all quilts, I like to lay them on bed to make sure that I have them looking right. You know what I mean, so that same fabric isn’t next together or similar colours don’t sit next to each other. This can be a challenge for me, as I sometimes have unwanted help from my two dogs who just love laying on the quilt, whether it be finished or not.  This time it was not my two dogs helping but the friendly ginger cat.  The other advantage of laying the quilt out on bed it allows me to understand the finished size of the quilt. I grew up in a metric time and although I can convert metric to imperial measurements I do find it hard to picture the finished size of quilt.

Jugs and Broken Dishes

The next quilt I was determined to finish was a quilt that I was doing as a test project. That was my first and it turned out to be quit big. I added the two boarders and now I have another quilt top finished. The quilt was called Parade by The Aqua Umbrella. It has turned out very well and now just needs to be quilted and binded to finish it. I found the Dresden plate a challenge, especially trying to make it sit properly but once completed, it looked very nice.

Paradise Quilt

Oh, I don’t know if you remember the Jelly Roll Sampler quilt I was doing a while ago. I used Persimmon by Basic Grunge in the jelly roll and the pattern was from Pam Lintott. Just loved it and it now has a lime border and grey sash around it. Yes another top done.

Sampler Jelly Roll Quilt

I completed another quilt too, this for a friend who was having their first baby. I used a range called Meadow – which came in a pink and blue range. Perfect for a baby wouldn’t you say. I used two layer cakes which gave me enough for two baby quilts out of the fabric. The second quilt will go to colleague at work who is also having her first baby. I love making quilts and giving them to new mothers as they are appreciated and are continually used. Another friend I gave a baby quilt to said that her quilt comes up beautifully once it has been washed after her babies have played on it, ate on it or been sick on it. That makes me very happy to know that a quilt is loved and is being used.


As I have gotten a number of quilts finished, I am therefore allowed to start another quilt. So what am I doing…..Yes I have decided to start on the Moda Modern Building Block. I have already completed block 1 and block 2. These are the very large blocks – measuring 36 inches square. I have invested in starch which I find helps me to keep the fabric flat and easy to cut.  The fabric range is from Bella Solids but I have seen some blocks done in other ranges and they look lovely


I have also been very lucky this few weeks. I entered my one of my daughters into a competition and well we SHE won a quilt kit. I don’t know if you have seen this one before but it is by Minick and Simpson and it is called Austin Bluebird. It is very lovely. The quilt came in a kit and I must say it will be a lovely quilt when I start it.


Oh well must be off and do a bit more quilting now


Been busy and sewing machine trouble

Well I have been busy. I have been trying to finish off my scrappy quilt. I found that placing the pieces out and taking a photo of them helped to remind me how it was set out.
Scappy Quilt as you goScappy Quilt as you go
While sewing it together, I found that I really needed to buy a walking foot.  I looked everywhere for a singer walking foot and eventually I got a walking foot for my singer sewing machine off ebay.

I have also been busy making other quilts.  I have attended a couple of classes making quilts at Whatever Whereever.  I learnt how to make hexagons and turn them into stars and how to applique jugs.  I enjoyed doing these.



I have also discovered that a friend was having a baby.  What’s a quilter to do…you guessed it make a baby’s quilt, but what color when you don’t know the sex of the baby.  Thankfully, I discovered a range called Celebrations which came in boy and girl colors.  So the challenge was on…do I make 2 quilt or one.  I found the pattern called “Through the looking glass” by Sarah Price and brought 2 kits – one boy one and one girl one.  I cut them out and sewed them up and decided to sandwich them both together.  I discovered that by starching the tops they sat nicely.  What I do is use a lot of starch, allow to dry then iron and the tops look great.

Through the looking glass

I used three pieces of wooden curtain rods and rolled each of my pieces up with them and slowly pinned them together.  Once done, I trialled my new walking foot.  Was a bit of a challenge getting the walking foot onto the sewing machine but the effort was worth it.  I commenced sewing with a fancy stitch,  almost finished and got new bobbin  in then my sewing machine decided to tell me C4 error.  I am trying to fix it but I’m not getting there fast.

Through the looking glassThrough the looking glass  Through the looking glass Through the looking glass

Now I have to try and fix it or send it away.  And I was so close to finishing this baby quilt…

A busy week….

This week with trying to juggle work commitments, I went to two classes – one was a quilt as you go and the other was Christmas in July.

Quilt as you go

This quilt I started at Whatever Whereever, a local quilt shop.  Helen was running a class to learn how to quilt as you go.  I used French General Espirit de Noel.  I was very happy with the start of my quilt.  It looks very good if I say myself.

Christmas in July Christmas in July

Christmas in July Christmas in July

Later this week, I went to Christmas in July run by The Christmas Beetle where Gail Pan from Gail Pan Designs where I went to the trunk show and a stitchery workshop.  As you can gather, the theme was Christmas.  I’ve just stated mine and I hope to have them finished before Christmas.  We had lovely cakes which had little birds on them made by Lana The Cake Lady, pumpkin soup and chicken and vegetable soup.  I brought some patterns and more fabrics.  I can’t wait for it to do another class – maybe attend a retreat.  If you can recommend one let me know…..